Manual Osteopathic Practitioner
Maria Reyes Diaz D.O.M.P.
Manual Osteopathy is a non-invasive, hands-on therapy whose concepts are derived from a deep understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body.
It is a holistic approach to treatment that addresses the root cause of different conditions by reckoning the body’s self-regulating capacity to defend, heal and restore proper function.
A manual osteopath treats the whole body as a unit by identifying the symptoms and the root cause.
Manual Osteopathic Practitioner
Maria Reyes Diaz D.O.M.P.
Maria received a Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice from the National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) in Toronto and has been a member of The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine (ACMA) since 2021.
Prior to Osteopathy, Maria maintained the role of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Certified Canadian Physician Assistant. She graduated from McMaster University in 2009, with a Bachelor's Degree in Medical Radiation Sciences and worked as a Sonographer at William Osler Health System. After gaining extensive knowledge of many organ systems, she felt driven to learn more about conventional medicine.
In 2015, she graduated from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Family Medicine with a Bachelor of Science Physician Assistant Professional Degree and gained experience in chronic pain, primary healthcare, and emergency medicine. As a Physician Assistant, she successfully managed many chronic and acute conditions, however, some treatments only slow down the progression of disease making patients feel hopeless and overwhelmed.
As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner with over 13 years of experience in health care, Maria Reyes Diaz aims to restore the body to its optimal function and reduce pain through the use of a highly refined sense of touch and gentle manipulations in a natural and effective approach.
Areas Manual Osteopathy can treat:
Back Pain
Neck, shoulder and hip pain
Joint pains
Jaw pain
Digestive discomfort
Fertility issues
Benefits of Manual Osteopathy
Promotes deeper Breathing Decreased oxygen circulation results in headaches, tension and muscle pain. By naturally improving oxygen levels you can promote the release of toxins and negative energy within the body.
Improve posture Posture improves as the spine and muscles around the spine become more flexible and supple resulting in reduced tension throughout the body.
Improves circulation Improvement in both blood and lymph circulation helps promote natural healing and maximizes energy level.
Enhance skin tone and health Osteopathic soft tissue therapy can significantly improve the tone and health of skin after just a few treatment sessions.
Promote mental alertness and reduce anxiety Manual osteopathy treatments help relax the entire body, reducing stress and promoting mental clarity. Usually, anxiety and/or trauma is stored in some key areas of the body such as the neck, back shoulders, pelvis and abdomen. By relieving these areas of tension, the mind can ‘let go’ of anxiety and experience a release of tension/anxiety.
Prevent injury and improve joint flexibility The osteopathic muscle energy techniques (MET) are known to improve function & balance by improving range of motion of the joints and the muscle tone. A better function & balance decreases the chance of injuries.
Chronic and acute Pain relief Beta-endorphins Manual osteopathic treatment results in increased production of Beta Endorphin (pain suppressor substance) in the body (Thaler et al., 2015)
Improves athletic performance Osteopathic muscle energy techniques are known to increase athletic performance by improving function, balance, muscle tone and flexibility.
Help with Fertility issues Manual osteopathy can help reduce scar tissue or adhesions around the reproductive system allowing for improved mobility and promoting circulation to the reproductive organs.
Relieve abdominal discomfort i.e IB Visceral osteopathy focuses on improving motility of the abdominal organs by gently manipulating them, reducing adhesions and promoting blood-flow which improves function of the organ.